Penny Ante Computing
Popular Patriotic Jewelry

Several of these popular pieces can be found elsewehere on the web, but we believe you'll find our prices quite competitive -- with the exception. of course, of our own wholesale suppliers.

Trump Stuff 2020

Buttons, Etc.

   Custom Buttons
   2020 Republican
   Generic Republican



   Hand-Beaded Bracelets
   Popular Patriotic


   Republican and Patriotic
   Ruffled Scarves



   Cookie Cutters

Unquestionably, the most popular item we've ever sold...and customers keep coming back for more.

Pin: Elegant Waving Flag

Another very popular piece. This pin brightens up almost any outfit.

Pin: Patchwork Elephant - Red

Another very popular piece. Its cheery aqua color is unexpected in a piece of Republican jewelry.

Pin: Patchwork Elephant - Aqua

This handsome lapel pin is another of our best sellers. The enamel flag looks far more expensive than what we charge for it.

Lapel Pin: Stylish Flag